Preventing Equipment CSV Import Issues

Preventing Equipment CSV Import Issues

EDX Software has a series of spreadsheet editors that makes it easy to import, export, and mass edit various parameters associated with EDX equipment, e.g. Base stations/Sectors, CPE’s, PtP Links Systems. While working with the editors and the .csv files are straightforward, to prevent issues that can affect the stability of the EDX software, there are some simple steps that can be taken to ensure the data is valid for the fields which you’re importing.


For all spreadsheet editor .csv imports:

  1. Ensure coordinate units in EDX are set to match .csv coordinate units (e.g. decimal degrees for both).

  2. Use the export .csv feature and include header and units to make sure units are correct on import.

  3. Note that any field/column in the .csv file that contains no values will be filled in with values from the Tx Template selected in drop down located in the top of the spreadsheet editor.

  4. Do not fill in the elevation column. This will be pulled from the terrain database on import.

this presumes the terrain database has already been configured for the project

For Site imports:

  1. The Site Name should not contain unusual characters or system reserved characters like $, &, @, etc. and can be 26 or more characters in length.

For sector imports:

  1. The sector ID is limited to 8 characters. Each sector ID name must be unique, no duplicates.

  2. It’s helpful to first create a site with at least on sector in EDX, then export that to the spreadsheet editor. Compare values to make sure the units and number of decimals are similar to prevent data type mismatches on import.

For the Sector ID name, upper case and lower case alpha characters are considered identical characters, e.g. an “n” is the same character as an “N”. Avoid reserved characters such as $, &, @, etc. Hyphens and underscores are acceptable characters.

For CPE imports:

  1. At minimum, the following fields must be configured in the csv import file: CPE Id, Text and the CPE coordinates. The Id column (also know as the serial number) is used by the program to identify the CPE in the main display and in the calculation files. This column can not contain spaces.

  2. The Id and text columns cannot contain more than 16 characters.

For PtP link imports:

  1. At minimum, each entry the csv file for PtP link imports must include a Link System Site ID pair, a Site Name and the link Site Name coordinates. Each entry in the csv file must be a link pair, e.g. two link system site IDs, each associated with a Tx Site Name and an Rx Site Name.

  2. The Individual Link System Site ID is limited to 8 characters. Acceptable characters include: numbers, letters (upper or lower case), hyphens and underscores.

  3. The Tx/Rx Site Name can exceed 16 characters but it is recommended to limit the site name to no more than 16 characters since a length exceeding 16 can effect report outputs. Acceptable characters for Site Name are the same as those of the Link System Site ID.

  4. Following is an example a csv entry for a link system pair (one link end named Link_A and the other named Link_B) with associated Tx and Rx site names. Notice the two Link System Site IDs are concatenated using a colon “:” as a separator. The Link System Site ID must be entered in the csv file using that format:

Link system


Link system







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