Spreadsheet Editor Errors

Spreadsheet Editor Errors

The Spreadsheet Editors in SignalPro are very intuitive and have full capabilities like you would find in other spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel. To learn more about the spreadsheet editors and its functionality please review this article: Spreadsheet Editors

This article is pertaining to the potential errors a user could run into and those error messages. The typical spreadsheet editor error messages will point you to where the error is in the spreadsheet. Such as when a user is trying to import into the Sectors Data spreadsheet editor but their ID column is blank upon import. The error message give is:

The user will need to fill in a sector ID for this column. If by chance the ID column does not follow SignalPros 8-character limit for Sector ID’s the software will limit whatever is in the ID column, down to 8 characters. Or Potentially the name column could be blank, in which case this message is given:

The spreadsheet editors will let you know when the spreadsheet has illegal characters. The software is intuitive enough to adjust those illegal characters into something the tool likes, such as the underscore. You can see an example of that warning message here:

If there are duplicates found upon import this warning will present itself, as the image says you will need to go back into that original file and adjust the duplicates.

The spreadsheet editors allow you to also import from KML files. If the KML file has an issue the tool will present an error message with instructions on how to correct the issue. Here is an example of a KML import error message:

Occasionally an exception can be thrown, for these exceptions they are not as informative and hard to decipher. In these instances it is best to create a support ticket with EDX and allow us to work on this for you.

You can create a new support ticket here: https://edxwireless.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2


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