How To Use The Study Exporter
1. Select Project: The first step is to select the project you want to open. The dropdown list displays the projects listed in your default Project directory. If you want to open a project located somewhere else, you can browse for it using the ‘Browse’ button or type it in.
2. Load Project: Click the ‘Load Project’ button to load the selected project.
Note: You do not need to have EDX SignalPro® open prior to loading the project. The COM script will start SignalPro automatically if it is not already running.
3. Export Directory: Next, define your export directory. By default, the application will point to an Export directory within the selected project directory. You can browse for a different directory using the ‘Browse’ button or type it in.
4. Select Studies to Run: Select which studies you want to calculate by checking the ‘Calc’ checkbox column for the study or studies.
5. Select Export Options: Select the file formats and layers you want to export.
Export Study To: These output files contain the Multipoint Study results.
SHP file (Area): SHP file exporting is available only for Area Studies.
CSV File (Route/MPT): This file contains the data for the Route or Multipoint study. A header line describes each data column. There is one file created per sector.
CSV Composite (MPT): This is a single file containing all of the data for every sector. Only used for Multipoint studies.
KML File (Area/Route/MPT): This is a KML file you can open in the Google Earth application. It contains the study result data.
Layer Options: These files are layers you can optionally export to KML (for use in the Google Earth application).
Sector (KML): This KML file is generated for each Sector. It contains the one Sector.
CPE Hub Links (KML): This KML file is generated for each study iteration. It displays link lines from the CPE to the sector used in the study.
6. Run Export: Click the ‘Run Export’ button to start the automation process. The files are placed in the export directory by their study name.
Center Study Grid on Site: Selecting this option will move the study grid and center it over the current sector. If this option is turned off, the study grid will remain in the same location for each study calculation.
7. Run Again: You may select different studies to run, or load a different project for running studies.
8. Close the application: When you close the COM application, the SignalPro application will also close automatically.
9. Output Files Not Deleted: Please note this tool will not remove any of the output files. This will allow you to go back and use these files, if necessary. Just keep in mind, there may be old output files in these directories. You may want to backup the data and manually delete the directories prior to re-running the tool.
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