SignalPro Will Not Launch

SignalPro Will Not Launch

EDX Wireless has discovered that with the most recent Windows update Version 10 20H2 and 21H1 has caused an issue which prevents SignalPro from Launching.


In some cases users may get a warning from their antivirus software while others may not.

The antivirus software is removing a file called UsageProc.exe or edxCsUtils.exe from the SignalPro bin directory (C:\Program Files\EDX\SignalPro\Bin)

This problem is of high priority and we are actively working to resolve this issue. In the meantime follow these steps below.

For UsageProc.exe related issues:

For Windows Defender; Go to settings > Update & Security > Open Windows Security > Virus and Threat Protection > Protection History

Here you will find a threat from windows defender


Select the severe option to open the quarantined item. Windows will ask for permission to make the changes.

Please accept these. Once accepted you should be presented with the information below



You will see here that the antivirus protection is treating UsageProc.exe as a threat.

At this point you have the options, to either remove or restore the file.

Please press restore

Once it is restored your SignalPro will launch and work as normal.


However please be aware that when windows defender runs again the same will happen and you will be presented with the following message when you try to re-launch SignalPro


To ensure this does not happen you must add this to the antivirus whitelist.

For other antivirus software's you should be able to whitelist Usageproc.exe. Consult your antivirus documentation for whitelisting and Quarantining instructions.


Enclosed is the link to download UsageProc. When downloaded please put in (C:\Program Files\EDX\SignalPro\Bin)https://edx.egnyte.com/dl/G1kHfxAtuO


For edxCsUtils.exe related issues:

If your antivirus software has deleted edxCsUtils.exe enclosed is the link to download: https://edx.egnyte.com/dl/jTsHScYxEq

When downloaded please put in (C:\Program Files\EDX\SignalPro\Bin)

Please note this .exe is from version 11.0.2 of the software and may not be compatible with version 11.0.3 you have recently updated to. We have seen cases where obfuscated binaries won’t work with files that don’t match the release.

If that is the case you can navigate to C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Temp\EDX. In there is a backup of the 11.0.3 bin directory. You should see edxCsUtils.exe. Please copy that into your current bin. If the back up bin is empty you can revert your software back to 11.0.2 by following the directions here:




If this does not work Please report the issue with EDX Support and a member of our team will assist. https://edxwireless.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2






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