Mxx Converter
EDX has introduced a new tool that will be coming into the SignalPro software. This tool is called MXXConvert. The main purpose of the tool was to be used for BDC filings, but this tool is excellent for converting SignalPros mxx files into .shp or .tif format.
Step 1 - Locate the area study MXX files
Once the studies have been run, navigate to your project folder and locate the MXX folder. Within the MXX folder you’ll find the .mxx study files, named by the view they’re associated with and their position within the study list. For example, if you have only one view (the initial view) in the project then the fourth study in the area studies list would be View.0.4.mxx
You’ll need to reference the complete file path to the appropriate .mxx file when you run the command-line MXXConvert utility, so note the path and filename to the file you intend to convert.
Step 2 - Run MXXConvert
Open Windows Command Prompt by going to the Windows search field and searching for “CMD”. By default this will open the command line in your user folder. You may want to copy the MXXConvert.exe and associated files into your user folder or just under it to make navigating to it from a command prompt easier. Run the MXXConvert.exe utility from the command line, using the -i argument to set the path to the .mxx file in quotes, the -o argument to set the path and filename for the output file in quotes, and the -b argument to set break-point levels, if desired for that study type.
(The README.TXT file also gives a description of the command line arguments and usage examples.)
You should see updates on the progress as the conversion proceeds. Depending on the size of the grid this may take a few minutes. Once completed it will save the output file in the location you specified. You can open this in the GIS tool of your choice to verify the results. Here’s an example of an RSRP plot converted to SHP and opened in QGIS;
If you need any assistance with this, please create a support ticket here:
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