InterModulation Study

InterModulation Study


Where two or more transmitters are in relatively close proximity to one another, there is a likelihood of intermodulation products being generated. The Studies>Intermodulation Study uses the active transmitters in the selected transmitter group to run an iteration on the various frequencies to determine the products that can be generated. After selecting a transmitter group from which to draw transmitters, there are several controls that can determine which frequency combinations to test.

Maximum range of source

From each transmitter site: only those other transmitters within the range entered will be tested.

Minimum power density

The power density is calculated using free-space loss of the ERP radiated by each antenna. This allows you to exclude low power transmitters that are not likely to generate intermodulation contributions.

Order of modulation

Select one or more of these. Order refers to the multiple of the base frequency. For example, the “2nd order” would compare the fundamental frequency of one transmitter to the 2nd harmonic of another transmitter.

Transmitter Frequency

The radiated transmitter frequency can either be the frequency entered for that transmitter/sector or it can be all of the transmitter's active channels if a frequency plan is being used. Select the appropriate radio button for the source transmitter frequency.

The contents of the output report can contain all frequency products found by selecting the Report All IM Products radio button or, you can select a limited range of frequencies to report by using Report only IM Products in range radio button and enter the Lower and Upper Bound for the frequency range.

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