Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

General Controls


General Controls


Kills any current state or action


Activate copy mode

Ctrl + Insert

Cursor/Map Movement actions


Cursor/Map Movement actions


Move Reference Cursor to current cursor location


Center the map on the current point

Ctrl + ↵ Enter

Move the cursor around the screen

Undo Pan and Zoom

Ctrl + Z

Redo Pan and Zoom

Ctrl + X

Zoom In/Out

Scroll wheel up
Scroll wheel down

Increase the Zoom In/Out factor

⇧ Shift + Scroll wheel up
⇧ Shift + Scroll wheel down

Center the map

Double Left-click

Print the current map window

Ctrl + P

Project actions


Project actions


Create a new project

Ctrl + N

Display the open project dialog

Ctrl + O

Save the current project

Ctrl + S

Run a study for all Views

⇧ Shift +
⇧ Shift +
⇧ Shift +
⇧ Shift +
⇧ Shift +

Equipment Actions


Equipment Actions


Open link contextual menu if on a link

L + Right-click

Open CPE contextual menu if on a CPE

C + Right-click

Run path for Smart Grid Link

H + Right-click

Open dialog box containing wall information

W + Right-click

Open Building Attributes dialog box

B + Right-click

Select/De-select a specific graphic object on a line

Ctrl + Left-click

Start creating route path

R + Left-click

End creating route path

Double Left-click while drawing route path

Equipment Movement


Equipment Movement


Move a TX Site

⇧ Shift + Hold Left-click on a TX Site, then drag mouse. Release Left-click to stop.

Move a CPE

⇧ Shift + C + Hold Left-click on a CPE, then drag mouse. Release Left-click to stop.

Move a Link

⇧ Shift + L + Left-click on a link, then drag mouse. Left-click again to confirm change.

Snap a Link to a TX Site

While moving a Link, Right-click near a TX Site and select Snap to Site.

Move a Label associated with a Site

Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + Hold Left-click on a Label, then drag mouse. Release Left-click to stop.

Graphic Objects (labels/shapes) Actions


Graphic Objects (labels/shapes) Actions


Move a drawn graphic object (ellipse, polygon, etc)

Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + Hold Left-click on an object line, then drag mouse. Release Left-click to stop.

Move a text object after it has been placed on the map

Press and hold <Ctrl> and then left-click the text object with the mouse.  The text object should now have a black corner block at each vertices:

Next, hold down the <Shift> key, put the mouse cursor over the text object and then click & HOLD the left mouse button.

The mouse cursor will change to an Up Arrow.  Keeping the <Shift> key and the left mouse button depressed, move the mouse cursor, which will move the text object.  One the text object is in place, release both the mouse button and the <Shift> key and then click the text object to remove the 4 black corners.

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