Noise and Uplink Interference Prediction
There is a dialog box in Studies > Noise & Uplink Interference that allows the user to specify how they want to calculate the noise and uplink interference. The Noise and Uplink Interference dialog box has two radio button choices for all project receiver noise level calculations: a standard noise temperature formula using room temperature (290 K) settings (EDX recommended setting) and a low noise temperature formula that is useful for cryogenic LNA’s.
There are also four radio button choices for the user to specify how uplink interference should be calculated for each sector in a group selected from the Transmitter Group drop-down list. One of the following choices can be selected:
A single value in dBmW to be used at all base station receivers in the transmitter group.
A single value that is a dB value above (+) or below (-) the predicted noise level to be used at base station for all receivers in the transmitter group
For Uplink Stochastics calculations (4G WiMAX and LTE sites only), the user has the choice to use the 50% (median) confidence predicted uplink interference level or a more conservative 90% uplink Stochastics calculation.
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