Transmitter/Base/Hub/Router Sites
Transmitter/Base/Hub/Router Sites
When you first select Transmitter/Base/Hub/Router Sites from the RF Systems menu, you will see a dialog box where all the existing groups are listed. If this is a new project or there are no transmitters groups, only one group will be listed: the Master group. The Master group always includes all the transmitters in the project. All other groups can be thought of as “sub-groups” or “sub-sets” of the Master Group. When you create a new group, you are essentially taking sites and sectors that are in the Master Group and also making them members of your new group.
Transmitter groups provide a very flexible way to perform studies on selected transmitters or sectors. For example, you could create a group that consists of all the transmitters or transmitter sectors in your existing cellular system. A set of system performance studies (coverage and C/I ratio) could be performed for this group. A second group could be created consisting of the existing transmitters and the transmitters you intend to construct in the coming year. System performance studies could then be run on this second group and the maps compared with the maps for the first group consisting of existing transmitters only. In this way, you could quickly assess the improved coverage, call-carrying capacity, etc. for the system with the additional transmitters. The type and nature of the groups are completely your choice.
Create Group/Create Copy of Group/Delete Group
These buttons allow you to create and edit new groups. The main difference is how it populates the sectors/sites in the group. Create group creates a new empty group that you populate with sectors. Creating a copy creates a copy of an existing group with its associated sectors. Delete group does just that. It does not delete sectors/site from the project.
If you delete a group, make sure that any study using that group is updated to use a new group, otherwise you’ll experience errors when running ANY study.
Create Sites Distributed in Service Area
This will bring up a dialog box where you can have the program add transmitters within the study grid boundary using traditional hexagonal or square methods for adjacent cells. This feature used to be restricted to the Additional Modules available for SignalPro.
Edit Group
Edit group works on an existing group. Clicking this button will display a new dialog box shown below. In the column on the right you will see all the sites/sectors in the project. In the column on the left are all the sectors that have been added to this group.
If you are editing the master group, the left column will always contain all the sectors from the right and cannot be removed from the group.
For other groups, to add a sector from the right column to your group, highlight it on the right then click on the Add sectors button. The sector will be added to the list in the left column. To remove a sector, select it in the left column and click on the Remove sectors button.
Removing sectors from the left doesn’t delete the sectors (you’ll still see them on the right), it just changes their membership in this particular group.
To delete sites/sectors from the project entirely, highlight sectors in the right column then click on Delete Sector.
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