EDX SignalPro Directory Structure Best Practices

EDX SignalPro Directory Structure Best Practices







Application Install Files


SignalPro has a collection of files that are included during install and should never be edited by the user.

Application Data Files


SignalPro has a collection of options, caches, and data that are managed by the application. In general these should not be edited by the user.

SignalPro Project Files

Plus Supplemental Files:
* BNAs
* mid / mifs
* Shapefiles .shp


Keeping all project files under the user’s documents directory makes project sharing easier since everything is relative to the “My Documents” directory.

Shared GIS Databases
* Terrain
* Land Use / Clutter
* Buildings
* Demographics


Placing the GIS database files under this directory will help reduce problems when multiple users are working on the same project, or when multiple projects are utilizing the same data.

Clutter Attenuation File


The attenuation associated with a given clutter database should be stored with the database to which it is bound.

Shared Equipment Data
* Equipment characteristics
* Antenna patterns


Keeping all shared equipment data in this directory will help reduce problems when multiple users are working on the same project, or when multiple projects are utilizing the same data.

NOTE: EDX does not recommend and does not support the use of network drives for any data sharing. Use of network drives will significantly impair study and general application performance.


What if I keep my data on a different drive letter?

So long as the drive is local to the machine that is running SignalPro, you can substitute your own drive letter into this directory scheme without issue (e.g., D:\ for C:\).

My old projects from a previous machine did not follow this convention. What do I do?

See the article on EDX Software Migration Guide. While migrating the project, it can be adjusted to conform to this structure.

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