From the Edit>Restore menu you can choose from Restore Site, Restore Link, Restore CPE, or Restore All Site Labels to perform a single undo function for restoring a previous version.
For example, if you delete a transmitter site and decide you want it back, you can choose Edit>Restore>Restore Site, and it will restore the last site you deleted. If you delete multiple pieces of equipment, say 5 sites, it will only restore the last site. Restoring a link or a CPE works the same way. Generally, if you’re modifying or adding/deleting sites/links/CPEs, we recommend the use of the spreadsheet editors under the RF systems menu, as you can export a current set of transmitters/links/CPEs, and re-import them if you need (see Spreadsheet Editors). Restore All Site Labels does just that. In the main window you can option click on a site label and move it. You can right-click on that label you just moved and restore it. Restore all restores all the labels in the project to their default location.
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