LTE/5G CQI Table
Signal Pro now supports up to 64 entries in the LTE CQI tables. In addition, the table includes the modulation efficiency metric* and MCS name which can now be edited as per user requirements.
*Note: Modulation efficiency is expressed in bps/Hz and not Mbps as it is in the WiMAX modulation tables.
Modulation region may be assigned QPSK, 16QAM, 64 QAM, and 256 QAM. The table is formatted using the following structure:
The table fields are as defined:
Active: A Boolean flag denoting whether the selected modulation type is selected.
MCS Name: A string that can be used to denote the specific modulation type utilized. This string can be any character/numeric combination for up to 16 characters.
Modulation Region: The user may select QSPK, 16QAM, 64QAM, and 256QAM depending on the modulation type prescribed by the user.
Modulation Efficiency (bps/hz); The spectral efficiency given in bps/Hz. This number multiplied by the bandwidth of the given signal is the raw data throughput. This number can vary from 0. up to 100 based on modulation type and coding rates.
SINR (dB): Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio. The is the required ratio of desired signal to unwanted signal plus noise required to achieve the afore mentioned modulation rate.
PA Power Backoff (dB): In some systems the PA amplifier chain of the eNodeB is not linear enough to amplify higher order modulation schemes at full power. Those systems use power back off to be able to utilize those modulation types. This is not in use as of 5/28/2021.
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