Mesh Benchmarking

Mesh Benchmarking

This testing was done using the large Landis Gyr Waltham Captial Project. This project was used because this is one of the largest and most computationally intensive projects EDX has seen utilizing the Mesh Module. Testing was done using two machines.

  1. A high powered Virtual Machine through Microsoft Azure, size and specs of VM are as follows; Size: Standard E8bds v, Processor: Intel Xeon Platinum 8370C CPU @ 2.8GHz 2.79GHz, RAM: 64gb.

  2. Standard Dell Work Laptop, size and specs; Name: DESKTOP-P63A0QO, Processor: Intel i7-8665U CPU @ 1.90GHz 2.11GHz, RAM: 16gb

The Project Specifications on both machines are as follows:

Number of sites: 194 single sector sites using omni antenna pattern.

Number of meters: 619,770

Terrain and Land Use(Clutter): 10m cirrus hybrid data downloaded with Map Synch

In order to test or benchmark the mesh module, each of the crucial components of the mesh module were run multiple times while utilizing a stopwatch to record times. The stopwatch was not programmed to start and stop with the items running in mesh, there should be some amount of user error taken into account as the stopwatch was manually started when running and manually stopped when the running was complete. During the runs the task manager was open with the performance tab showing. This was to look over memory and cpu usage during each run.

High powered VM

  • Setup & Sort time: 1st run(1hr55min), 2nd (2hr1min), 3rd(2hr5min), Avg run time about 2hr

  • Run All time: 1st run(1hr54min), 2nd run(2hr), 3rd run(2hr10min) Avg run time about 2hr3min

  • Topology Report time: 1st run(32hr), 2nd run(33hr), 3rd run(33hr) At least 64gb RAM is required in order to run the topology report.

Standard Work Laptop

  • Setup & Sort time: 1st run(24hr30min), 2nd (22hr51min), 3rd(23hr15min), Avg run time about

  • Run All time: 1st run(between 12-18hr, run all completed overnight), 2nd run(16hr), 3rd run(17hr)

  • Topology Report time: 1st run(Not Possible), 2nd run(Not Possible), 3rd run(Not Possible) This topology report is not possible to complete without having access to more RAM. This standard work laptop was limited to 16gbRAM




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