Status Bar Properties

EDX software can displays the bulk of its information graphically. However, it’s helpful to have numeric values (coordinates, terrain elevation, etc.) available at the cursor while viewing the map itself. Much of this information can be displayed in the status bar along the bottom of the screen.

To change the values displayed, select View>Status bar properties or right-click in the status bar; the status bar arrangement dialog box will appear where you may select the contents of up to six sections or positions on the status bar. You can choose which information you want to view in each of the six available status bar positions from the following:

  • Map coordinates at the current mouse position. Displays units selected from the Map>Units menu.

  • Terrain elevation at the cursor location.

  • Land use description at the cursor location.

  • Structure height at the cursor location.

  • Study Value 1 at the cursor location from Area Study set for status bar.

  • Study Value 2 at the cursor location from Area Study set for status bar.

  • Study Value 3 at the cursor location from Area Study set for status bar.

  • Closest site at current mouse position

  • Clutter height at the cursor location

  • None

Study Value 1, 2 and 3 generally refer to 1st, 2nd and 3rd most likely server. If you try and select the same information display for more than one column, you will be warned that you cannot have duplicate items in the columns.

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