There are two types of keys:
Stand alone key
Green HASP key or Purple USB key
Refered to as a "local" key.
Info |
This key must be plugged into the computer that is running the EDX software. It authorizes the use of the software on that computer only. |
Network key
Red HASP key or Red USB key
This key can be plugged into any computer on the network.
For more information on setting up a network key please refer to https://edxwireless.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EWKB/pages/575799330/Installing+the+EDX+Software#Red-USB-Key-Installation-(Network-Configuration)
This key allows computers on the network (LAN/WAN) to run one of the EDX programs. This includes the computer with the Network key.
You can authorized multiple licenses for programs using this one key. The computer that has the network key also needs to run a program (or service) called the License Manager that keeps track of the licenses programmed into the key and checks them out to users as needed.