Import/Export Propagation Models

Import/Export Propagation Models

Each sector in an EDX project is associated with a choice of propagation method. The .XML files (in the EDX Schema) used to import and export transmitter information refer to the propagation method by the name that is displayed in the Propagation method entry of the Propagation model dialog. If sites are imported from a project that doesn’t have an entry that matches the same name, the sites will be set to the first propagation method in the Propagation Models dialog.

The propagation models can be imported and exported from another project by using this function. The imported propagation methods will be added to the list in a project as long as there isn’t already a propagation method with the same name.

You can import the project.std.xml file from a saved EDX Project to bring the propagation models from another Project or you can use the Export Propagation methods to make an xml file which contains only the Propagation models in a project, which you can import into any other project. 

When you select either Import or Export you will be presented with either a file browse dialog to select the desired .XML file for import or a directory browse dialog to select the desired folder for export.

If you are bringing in transmitters that use a propagation method that is set up in another project make sure you first create a matching propagation method by hand or by using the Import Propagation Methods feature before importing transmitters.

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