Maintenance and Support Agreement

Maintenance and Support Agreement

Terms and Conditions 

Introduction. EDX Wireless, Inc. provides ongoing maintenance and support services to, (a) ensure that  the software remains substantially in compliance with the documentation as updated from time to time,  and (b) provide internet and telephone based support to assist Licensee with information for and help  with the features, capabilities and the use of EDX's products. 

Maintenance and Support Service. Upon payment of the applicable Maintenance and Support Agreement fee, EDX Wireless, Inc. (EDX) will provide maintenance and support services (Support) to the  Licensee for the EDX software product(s) covered by this Agreement 

Fees. Support is an additional service Product which can be purchased by the Licensee. Support is  subject to payment of a fee, which, for the first applicable year is included in the purchase price of the  software product license. Reinstatement of lapsed Support is subject to a pro-rata 'catch up' payment  of all applicable fees for the lapsed period at then current rates, in addition to the fee for the current  Support period. 

Term and Termination. The initial term for Support shall be for one (1) year commencing on the original  purchase date of the software and thereafter may be renewed annually upon payment of the applicable  fee. The Agreement may be canceled at any time. However no refunds or pro-rata credits will be issued  

for cancellation once an Agreement has been extended by the annual commitment. Expiration or  cancellation of Support will not in any way affect the grant of rights to the licensed Software. 

Renewal Notification: EDX will make reasonable efforts to notify Licensee prior to the expiration date of  any Support Agreements that are currently in force so that arrangements can be made to renew these  Agreements. However, it is the responsibility of the Licensee to obtain and submit a purchase order to  EDX prior to the expiration date in order to continue Support without interruption. 

Add‐On Modules and Multiple Licenses. The Support expiration dates for add-on modules for EDX  SignalPro® will be the same as the basic package license to which they are attached. If  modules are purchased at a time other than the primary license of the basic package to which they are  attached, the designated Support Agreement expiration date will be the date of the primary basic  package license. When multiple licenses of a product are purchased, the designated Support Agreement  expiration date will be the same for all licenses of the same basic product type that bear the same serial  number. 

Software Updates. EDX shall provide Licensee with all available releases and updates for the Licensee's  software as they are published and made available to EDX's customers so long as the Licensee of EDX  product(s) holds a current Support Agreement for the software. 

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Bing Map licensing. Bing map licensing is valid only with current support/maintenance agreement.  Should a Bing Map license expire during a valid support/maintenance term, EDX will provide the user with the current Bing Map key. 

Web-based Support Portal & Telephone Support. EDX shall provide technical support during its normal business hours  (9am to 5pm Pacific Time, Monday-Friday (excluding holidays)). EDX shall provide technical support via Web-based portal, e-mail, internet web meeting, or telephone. EDX's contacts for technical support are:  

Portal URL: https://edxwireless.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2

Telephone: +1-541-345-0019 

E-mail: support@edx.com 

Fax: +1-541-345-8145 

Software Problems. EDX shall correct software issues attributable to EDX with a level of effort  commensurate with the severity of the problem. Upon identification of a problem by Licensee, Licensee  shall notify EDX of such a problem and shall provide EDX with sufficient information to allow reproduction  of the problem by EDX. Once a potential solution is identified, EDX shall make reasonable efforts to  deliver the solution to Licensee either in the form of a software patch or a scheduled version update.  EDX may also at its option provide a work-around that may consist of instructions on how to avoid a  problem or compensate for its effects.  

Issues with EDX products (also commonly referred to as "Bugs") fall into three categories. These  categories and the way in which each type of issue is handled are listed below. 

  • “C” bug. These are primarily cosmetic in nature; the error is obvious, trivial, and the correct  result or output is easily determined. Typographical errors or minor errors in secondary  program features fall into this category. EDX endeavors to fix these in 6+ months.

  • “B” bug. A bug of this type is a fundamental program function that doesn’t work correctly but  there is a practical work around or way to perform the function that gives acceptable results.  The goal to fix these bugs is within 1-6 months. 

  • “A” bug. This is where a primary feature or function does not operate. Or, a calculation  generates a result that is wrong and there is no work around. These are fixed and a  maintenance update is issued within 1-90 working days




EDX Wireless, Inc. - Maintenance Agreement Terms and Conditions - February 22nd , 2022 

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