How to do a C/(I+N) Study in SignalPro


  • Specify & Assign Channels to Sectors

  • Mobile Unit / CPE Type Configuration

  • Setup & Run C/(I+N) Study

Specify & Assign Channels to Sectors

The frequency / channel of a sector can be assigned using two methods…

Method 1- Use Center Frequencies

The frequency can be set by simply adjusting the center frequencies

Method 2- Use channels in channel plan template

Select the channels/traffic button on Site details dialog. To assign channels, click the radio button “Lin-in number of channels and specified channels” and then click the desired channel. The channel will turn red when selected.


For more information on setting up a channel plan template for your chosen system type, see also:

Mobile Unit / CPE Type Configuration

For Area & Route Studies using Mobile / Remote Units

Select the RF Systems->Mobile/Remote Unit to enter the following dialog

The settings on the dialog are very import. These are used to calculate the receiver noise. The receiver bandwidth and the receiver noise figure are used to calculate receiver noise power (P) using the following formula:

T is assumed to be 290K or 63 degrees Fahrenheit

The adjacent channel rejection is defined as how much attenuation the adjacent channels are rejected by the mobile receiver filter. The filter is defined by a filter file code. More information is available at .

If a direction antenna is used it may be specified in the above dialog. Receive antenna gain must also be specified. See

The mobile height above ground level for the entire study must also be specified. See

For Multipoint Studies using CPEs

The setting for the CPE are similar to the Mobile/Remote Unit settings above.


Receiver parameters such as height, antenna pattern files, bandwidth, etc. are specified similarly as the mobile/remote unit. For more information see

Setup & Run C/(I+N) Study

To setup a C/I+N study double click Area Studies or Multipoint Studies on the project tree:

Go to basic studies and add select C/(I+N) from the study name list box. There are many types of C/I+N studies available. See for more details.


The desired transmitter group should be selected. See for more information.

There are many options available for C/I+N studies and are detailed in .

Key options to highlight

  • User can select to use noise only, interference only, or use both interference and noise.

  • User can include MIMO gain as defined in:

  • Distance limit the best server as defined by approximate sector range in the Study sector dialog of the Site Details dialog:


Area study threshold

Area study threshold is a very important parameter. It limits a study to only consider point to be calculated that exceed a certain received power level from the desired base stations. Raising and lowering this threshold can inadvertently highlight or disguise areas of interference. It is recommended that the minimum received signal for lowest order of modulation be used.


Minimum display threshold set to -120 dBm


Minimum display threshold set to -96 dBm

From there the user can add this study to the list of calculated studies.



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