There is a Windows error that occurs for certain users of SignalPro that causes the machine to crash or get the “blue screen of death”. This error occurs when the user attempts to install a Windows feature update, cumulative update and any version of SignalPro onto their machine.

THIS IS NOT AN ERROR BY SIGNALPRO. This error is related to Windows but is caused by the installation of any application or windows update or sometimes SignalPro. We have had customers find success following these steps:

1 - Modify the registry

Since this is a registry operation, it is recommended that you back up the registry or create a system restore point as necessary precautionary measures. Once done, you can proceed as follows: Press Windows key + R to invoke the Run dialog.


Now you may try to install SignalPro

2 - Update driver

3 - Uninstall Windows Update.

Sometimes, this error occurs after the installation of certain Windows Updates. So, if the issue happens to appear just after installing the updates, you can uninstall the update and see if this fixes the problem.

To learn more about the hardlock.sys error please review the following link:

For further inquires regarding SignalPro, please visit the Support Portal linked here: