To begin please ensure your data is in .gis or .gie format.

Once you have your data, launch SignalPro and navigate to Databases in the menu bar and then select Demagraphic.

This dialogue will appear:

Here you will select User ASCII for the type and then click the browse button to navigate to the file where the population data is stored on your computer.

Once you have the type selected and have pointed to the data, click OK.

Next navigate to Studies in the menu bar and select Demographic Studies.

This dialogue will appear:

Here you will select the analysis source and set the upper and lower bound of the analysis level for study.

Click Start Study.

This dialogue box will appear diaplaying the population number.

To display the population data on the map navigate to Map in the menu bar and select set Map Layers.

Next click add layer and then select demographic data.

Click OK back to the main screen to see your data displayed on the map as pictured below.