Versions Compared


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This will open the LTE-PRO Import GUI

2. LTE-PRO Import

For first time import a template is provided for the user to follow, ensuring the correct format is used

This template should be opened and saved onto a local drive

3. RAN Node File- Introduction

Upon opening the document the introduction tab will be presented to the user. This tab explains the “rules” followed in the document


4. RAN Node File -Sites

Within this tab the user must define the sites and any carrier aggregation

The carrier aggregation must be specified with the 3GPP formats for any combination and separated by commas

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5. RAN Node File - Sectors

This tab will be used to define the the sectors and the soft parameters such as;

  • Site Name to Sector

  • Technology profile to be used (see step 7)

  • PCI, PSS, SSS definitions per sector - not mandatory

  • Neighbors, (intra and inter) - also not mandatory


6. RAN Node File - Channel Info

Continuing the soft parameter definitions per sector the channel information per sector will be defined in this tab

Currently this is downlink only, uplink will be released in future release

Note- these settings are not mandatory to the import of the network


7. RAN Node File - Technology Template

This tab is to define all the various technology profiles for the network

  • Definitions

    • Name of the technology - user defined

    • System Profile - Band

    • SCS - subcarrier spacing

    • Bandwidth - bandwidth of system

    • Cyclic Prefix- normal or extended

    • FDD or TDD (in case of TDD, new template should be created to define the pattern)

    • Uplink CQi - see step 8

    • Downlink CQI - See step 8


8. RAN Node File - CQI_Dl & CQI_UL

These tabs for the UP and DL are used to define the MCS to support the system profile of your sector /network

Users can create many tabs for CQI Ul & DL then assign them to the sectors


9. Validation

Once complete, save the file and import

The system will validate the file and throw any errors if found


Error found - below example


Once the validation passes the information is sent into SignalPro and ready for planning.

10. Data imported

The data is now visible in ;

  • Sites GUI

  • Sectors GUI

  • Technology profiles

  • Channels

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