When viewing antenna patterns in .ADF format, or any format really, you will want to keep a close eye out for where the important information is within the file. Typically an antenna pattern file will contain a list of horizontal azimuths and the associated horizontal gains, and it usually lists the vertical azimuths and associated vertical gains as well. The file could potentially contain all azimuths 0 to 360 degrees for both horizontal and vertical, or it could also list them in chunks where the gains for the missing portions are interpolated between the chunks. If the file contains some or all of this data, then you can potentially use this data along with this linked article: Understanding EDX Format Antenna Pattern Files , to build your antenna pattern into the proper EDX .pat format. Attached is a sample .ADF file for you to download and review for practice on building antenna patterns in EDX format.
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For any additional assistance converting or building antenna patterns in EDX format please create a support ticket: https://edxwireless.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2